Corporate law
Commercial, distribution and competition law
Company law, acquisitions, mergers and demergers
Restructuring and reorganisation
Contract law
Insolvency law
Corporate governance
Financial and banking law
Contracting, public contracts and PPS
Property law
Administrative law and environmental legislation
Intellectual property and data protection
Labour law and social law
Transport law
Sports law
Tax law
Consumer law
Belexa supports its clients in all aspects of the broad commercial law, business practices, distribution law, internet law, privacy laws, consumer protection and product liability. The legislation at this regard is not only Belgian, but also European.
The lawyers at Belexa have a profound knowledge in all type of commercial contracts, such as (but not limited to) purchase-sales of trade goods, delivery of tailor-made goods or tailor-made software, distribution contracts, commercial agency, franchising, commission agent contracts, protection of knowhow and goodwill, competition law, information obligations, etc., including the follow-up of problems during the realisation of these commercial contracts. Belexa helps you to avoid or to deal with them as efficiently as possible.
Belexa represents clients with all aspects of a merger or an acquisition, from the first conversations and negotiations to the drafting of several documents and the signing of the contracts. Belexa has a broad experience in the realisation of legal due diligences, the drafting of non-disclosure agreements (NDA's), letters of intention (LOI's), share deals, asset deals, joint ventures, management buy outs (MBO's), follow-up in family companies, financing operations (such as capital increases or emissions of warrants), shareholder contracts, management contracts, etc.
The quality of the legal assistance is additionally supported by Belexa’s extensive experience in corporate disputes (for example between shareholders or as to administration and management liability).
Belexa supports companies in restructuring and optimisation, for example of your group structure or several lines of business. Moreover we also support companies with difficulties (bankruptcy, commercial investigations, and judicial reorganisation (amicable settlement, collective settlement, or transfer under judicial supervision), not only as a consultant, but also as a solicitor or a curator.
The contract law is the base of the Belgian legislation. Belexa also supports you in all aspects of liquidations or divisions (due to divorce or decease), purchase-sales contracts, lease contracts, loans, deposits, bails, donations, and all type of other contracts.
Belexa has many years of experience in insolvency law. We support you with the declaration of bankruptcy and we protect your rights as a creditor.
Managing a company is never obvious. Often a lot of interests are diametrically opposed and also threaten to endanger the liability of the governing body or the management. In our office we support daily managers and executives in word and deed. We are also available for your (family) corporate housekeeping.
Belexa offers support for several issues regarding banking and/or financial law, including credit law, consumer law and the protection of personal data. We provide assistance with financial operations and warranties through the security right. We defend the interests of financial institutions, companies, or consumers.
Belexa provides assistance regarding the (extra) judicial collection of invoices and your receivables management in general. We are also specialised in editing general sales conditions since they are the base for your commercial relations (B2B) and are consequently especially important.
We at Belexa have special expertise in the private construction law. We support many constructors, contractors, project developers, architects, estate agents and insurers, not only in construction disputes or regarding construction damages, but also with practical advice, searching for a solution. Belexa will always try to find a fast, pragmatic extrajudicial solution. However, if appropriate or necessary, we do not hesitate to take the required judicial steps, if necessary in fast-track procedures to find the desired solution in the short run.
Moreover we dispose of extensive experience and knowledge in the public procurement law, both regarding the award stage as the realisation stage of the order.
Also regarding public-private partnerships, an item getting more and more important, we are always ready to support companies.
Belexa supports its clients in all aspects of property related transactions or disputes, such as purchase, sales, development, and operation of real estate, including leasehold, building, rental, easements, co-property, etc.
Belexa supports its customers with all kind or discussions and disputes with the administration.
Many of these discussions are related to special planning, disputes regarding licences granted or not, or infringements regarding activities for which licences are required. Our specialists can help you both in the administrative and the criminal aspect.
Belexa supports its clients in the use and the protection of their intellectual property rights (brands, tradenames, literary and creative works, domain names, software, databases, drawings and models, inventions).
Moreover, our Data Protection Officer can support you with the protection of personal data. Companies must elaborate an appropriate privacy plan, keep a data registry, respect the privacy rights of the people involved, .... Presently, the processing of personal data is strictly regulated
Belexa has an intensive expertise and experience in all aspects of occupational accidents and labour law, including employment contracts, employment of foreigners, false self-employment, part-time work, time credit and other types of interruption, rules on working times, well-being at work, protection against discrimination (including the harassment law), camera surveillance, control of the use of internet and e-mail and outplacement.
Belexa supports logistic service providers, such as carriers, forwarders, and warehouse-operators. In the course of the years our office has also built up a special specialisation with regard to bus and coach companies.
We assist our clients as to transport contracts, general conditions, seizure issues and load damages.
Our company supports sportsmen in all their judicial issues, from contracts to specific tax support.
The tax specialisation of our office is mainly transactional and is applied in case of acquisitions of companies (share or asset deal) or investments and other transactions, such as real estate.
Our office has also the necessary knowhow regarding tax procedures, going from drafting objections, support for the execution of the appeal right and the realisation of tax procedures.
The role of the consumer in our society and in legal transactions is getting more and more important. Belexa supports individuals and companies in the B2C procedure.
Safeguarding your claim in expectation of a final verdict can make the difference between being left empty-handed or recuperating your legal claims. In case of the smallest risk of an organised inability we will proceed to a protective attachment. This may apply the seizure of immovable or movable goods as well as the attachment in execution.
Do you already dispose of a sentence, but your debtor refuses to pay? In that case executive measures are required as to the property of your debtor. Please consult us.

To avoid a
is to win
a procedure.
The aim of Belexa is always the protection and the safeguarding of our clients. Our main objective is avoiding legal conflicts, advising in due time, correctly and purposively.
Liability and criminal law
Traffic law
Civil liability
Professional liability
Family liability
Fire and water damages
Physical damages
Disciplinary law
Criminal law
In the course of the years, Belexa has converted itself into a renowned office specialised in traffic law. Our specialists, like no others, can help you with traffic infringements, prosecutions due to alcohol in traffic, liability claims and other traffic infringements such as driving without valid licence, driving with a vehicle not subject to inspection, incorrect communication of the identity of the driver, driving without insurance, etc.
When you suffer damages due to an error, carelessness, or negligence of a third party, you are entitled to compensation. This also applies to damages caused by an animal or a building.
We familiarize you with the different possibilities for your specific case, considering the special knowledge of the insurance law. In this way you will be sure that your compensation will be expedited in the most optimal and efficient way.
Belexa has a special liability in processing (physical and material) damages due to medical liability (professional errors of physicians and dentists), contractors, architects, accountants, company auditors, informatics, notaries, lawyers, travel organisers, etc.
Naturally, it is also possible that a third party presents a claim against you due to an error of you or a family member, including pets. Are you liable or does an insurer cover the damage? Also here you are at the right address.
In case of damages due to fire or water penetration it is important to take the necessary steps rapidly to limit your damage on the one hand, and on the other hand to guarantee that your damage is completely compensated. Our office has the required knowhow to give you the required support ad rem.
Within the liability law the compensation for physical damages is important. Belexa disposes of a team exclusively dedicated to this niche. They are specialised in estimating the damage caused by a physical problem divided into several partly aspects. A good support is here indispensable.
Liberal professions, for example lawyers, are subject to a certain deontology. Surpassing these deontological rules may lead to a disciplinary prosecution. Belexa can operate on many deontological procedures, so that your defence can be rapidly adapted to the circumstances.
The segment of criminal law in our office is specialised in:
- General criminal law and special crimes (theft, fraud, abuse of confidence, blows and injuries, etc.)
- Economic criminal law and white-collar crime
- Social criminal law
- Juvenile sanction law
- Party civil procedures
- Insurance law
Belexa acts for all Belgian insurance companies based on all types of policies. Consequently we have a special knowledge of the insurance law, also practical in case of disputes related to the refusal of coverage and proceedings for recourse.

Not every situation
requires the same
In the line of duty you need a partner who remains calm and who knows perfectly which steps will be in your advantage. Belexa evaluates then the required steps in a cautions and deliberate way.
Individual and family law
Family wealth and inheritance planning
Liquidation and division
Juvenile law
Status of persons
Lineage and inheritance law
Often the family company is a lifetime’s work, sometimes even of several generations. Sometimes this company has needs which are not completely equal to the ones of the family. The correct support is primordial to guarantee the continuity of the company and to assure the required personal peace of mind.
Moreover, there is the issue of the inheritance of your assents. How can the transfer of your assets to the next generation be planned and, at the same time, how can we assure that the tax authorities will not be the most favoured party?
A divorce or a decease leads to the end of an equity that must be liquidated and divided. This situation always is a judicial tangle where legal assistance is indispensable. Belexa is willing to pilot you through this situation
The juvenile law has an eye for the interests of the minor, the parents and society. When you as parent must appear before the juvenile court, it is more than desirable to have the required assistance and interpretation about the procedure.
Belexa is specialised in both the normal (the adopted child remains the original family ties) and the full adoption (the legal tie with the original family is broken). Our specialists support you and your family in a resolute but human way.
The status of persons includes a number of aspects determining the legal position of a legal subject in society and family. This refers, amongst others, to the name, nationality, lineage and bonds of marriage, the legal cohabitation, possession of status, absence, ...
In case of your decease, who inherits and how much? And can you avoid this, or can you determine this on your own? Can you impose conditions at this regard? Lineage and inheritance law have always played an important role in the (judicial) history. Our company advises both the testator as the legatee. In case of disputes regarding inheritance issues you are at the right address.
Incompetents cannot move freely in the legal system, and this sometimes is just as well. Have you signed a contract with an incompetent of do you have a relative or an acquaintance for who you think that administration would be desirable? In that case, do not hesitate to contact us.